Thank you to our Newsletter sponsor:
Dear member,
WWLF’s Programs is off to a fantastic start in 2021! The Mentorship Program is kicking off this month with over 24 participants, from over 20 companies. Even though the Mentorship Program is underway, it is not too late to get involved through WWLF’s Fellowship Program, where we are still accepting applicants. This is a great program, especially if you are looking to gain valuable industry knowledge, create new connections and broaden your access within the industry. The mission of the WWLF Fellowship Program is to empower and inspire women who are new to the telecommunications industry. This program is for women who are seeking leadership development and avenues to grow their network.
The Fellowship Program:
- Provides all WWLF membership advantages at no cost to the recipient
- Engages the recipient in the industry happenings and the operations of WWLF
- Offers a unique mentorship opportunity to support the growth of new industry leaders
- Facilitates opportunities for career development through WWLF resources
- Includes an all-expense paid trip to a major conference for the recipient
We encourage you to sign up and take advantage of this amazing opportunity. To learn more about the Fellowship Program and for enrollment details, please visit the WWLF Fellowship Program page here. The Deadline to submit is Friday, June 4, 2021.
Debra Mercier, Co-Executive Director of Programs
Kelsey Trundle, Co-Executive Director of Programs
The Virtual Environment is Here to Stay: How to Put Your Best Foot Forward
Written by Kristin Beckman
COVID-19 changed the way we communicate in professional situations. When much of the world’s workforce was sent home to work remotely during the beginnings of the pandemic, and travel was restricted, the use of video conferencing platforms like Zoom skyrocketed. According to data compiled by Owl Labs, 60 percent of people reported using video tools more often as a result of COVID-19 than they had in the past, outpacing other well-established collaboration tools like e-mail.
There was awkwardness, in some cases, as video conferencing newbies quickly learned to navigate the new world of communicating from home with a webcam rather than face to face in a board room. YouTube is full of examples of sometimes hilarious examples of video conference stumbles, including a lawyer who showed up to virtual court in the 394th district of Texas earlier this year with a kitten filter turned on. “I’m not a cat,” he said, while struggling to switch the filter off.
As a society, we’ve learned to give each other grace as we’ve collectively learned how to use video conferencing during the past year. And even as employees begin to slowly return to the office, business travel and in-person meetings, video conferencing is certainly here to stay. As such, it’s important to put your best foot forward in virtual business situations.
Read the full article.
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WWLF Spotlight: Tara Rand Tara Rand is the WWLF City Rep for Boston/New England
Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role?
I am blessed to have spent my entire 30+ year telecom career at 3 wonderful organizations in New England: Verizon Wireless (10 years), Crown Castle (19 years) and now for over 3 years at national veteran services provider, SAI Group, headquartered in Salem, NH.
Early on, I dreamed of a life in politics, as a State Rep or Senator specifically, so I majored in Political Science and Communications at Regis College-Weston, MA. My 1st job out of college was working in Boston’s State House for a State Rep but I soon realized how politically connected you had to be in Massachusetts and I was not, being from the very small town of Ridgefield, Connecticut. I just happened to have a friend mention to me that Bell Atlantic (now Verizon Wireless) was looking to staff up their new wireless division so I was intrigued, went for the job and was hired...the rest is history!
Most of my time at Verizon Wireless was spent in the Engineering Department. I worked in RF Design where I was focused on Regulatory matters and network designs and also in Real Estate/Site Acq, leasing up and permitting their core infrastructure throughout New England. Verizon Wireless ultimately entered into a Joint Venture with Crown Castle and I was asked to join Crown Castle’s Sales Team to lease up and generate services revenue on their assets in New England/CT, Canada and Upstate NY. The transition was seamless in that I was working with all of the same assets and team members, many of whom I am still friends with to this day. At Crown Castle, I also held the roles of District Manager-NE/Upstate NY and National Sales Account Executive working with large emerging technologies clients as well as the local wireless carriers in New England.
Learn more about Tara Rand in the June WWLF Spotlight.
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WWLF Book Review How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back From Your Next Raise, Promotion or Job Author: Sally Helgensen and Marshall Goldsmith
Reviewed by: Amanda Cahill
Want to achieve more success in your career? Worried your current actions and habits might be holding you back from achieving the success you deserve? If so, How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion or Job by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith might be the book for you. Helgesen and Goldsmith team up to examine the most common behaviors that can get in the way of future success for women. The book showcases that men and women typically present different self-limiting behaviors in business, with women more likely to take on too much work and take too little credit for their achievements. Brought to life with examples and stories, Helgesen and Goldsmith examine the twelve habits holding women back and they suggest the reader take aim at two or three of their own most damaging habits rather than address them all. The authors also emphasize that some of the behaviors, including perfectionism, building relationships and overvaluing expertise, might have served women well earlier in their careers but often hinder development as women move up the corporate ladder. Of the twelve habits outlined in the book, the five listed below stood out the most as either behaviors in myself or in other women in my network: 1.) Reluctance to Claim Your Achievements: This one may seem out of place because women often deliver great work. And yet, many women struggle to draw attention to their achievements and successes. To take it even further, some women can even find it hard to accept praise or will make a habit of turning the spotlight of attention to someone else on their team. This could be because some women don’t want to seem self-promoting or because they assume the good work will speak for itself. It’s noted in the book that “moving ahead—rising—requires bold action.” If women do not communicate the substance of their work and the value of their achievements, especially to those in positions above them, they may be thought to lack confidence in their ability or be ambivalent about rising through the organization. The authors suggest that women should think about their value to the organization, why their success matters and what greater good they can do if they are able to rise to higher positions of influence and impact. 2.) Overvaluing Expertise: “Trying to master every detail of your job in order to become an expert is a great strategy for keeping the job you have. But if your goal is to rise to a higher level, your expertise is probably not going to get you there.” The authors state that a woman’s expertise in lower level jobs may have gotten her to where she is today, but “the top jobs always require managing and leading people who have expertise, not providing expertise yourself.” Furthermore, women need to focus on four kinds of power as they rise. In addition to expertise, women need to learn the power of connection (who you know), personal authority or confidence (a strong presence) and the power of holding a senior position. Expertise alone is not enough to open doors to an organization’s top levels of leadership.
Read the full review to find out more on the top 5 habits that stood out in Amanda's book review.
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Have you heard about diversity certification, but aren’t really sure what it means or how it applies to you? If so, WWLF’s upcoming webinar is one you’ll want to put on your calendar!
Join WWLF for the second part of our Diversity Certification series, Practical Considerations for Diversity Certification. We will engage in a discussion with an esteemed panel of business owners who will share their experiences with diversity certification, as well as learn about how you can optimize certifications for your business!
Our panelists include:
Darretta Whitfield – Supplier Diversity Manager, Charter Communications
Debora Battaglia – Director of Business Development, LCC Telecom Services, LLC
Heather Cox – Co-Founder and President, Certify My Company
Karen Caldwell – President, Caldwell Compliance
Shamrose Ali – Director of Operations, Texas Wireless Communication LLC
We look forward to seeing everyone there!
June 3, 2021
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM (Central)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Monthly Networking Event! WWLF Members Only
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
June 7,2021
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EST)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
This event will be an open discussion with an opportunity for everyone to share comments, questions, and insights!
We will be reading and discussing "How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job" by: Marshall Goldsmith and Sally Helgesen
June 9, 2021
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes on June 8th
Behavioral Interviewing and hiring in a Virtual Environment
Have you been wondering how the shift to a virtual-based environment has changed interviewing?
If so, this webinar is one you will want to attend!
Join WWLF for the second of our four-part webinar series, presented by Barb Teicher, CSP, Speaker, Educator, Author and Business Coach. Barb works to educate and promote women in management through leadership development. This webinar will tie into the first part of the series (Presenting Your Best Self in a Virtual Environment) and delve into the complexities and challenges of interviewing in a virtual setting.
We look forward to seeing you there!
June 10, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Central)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
TopGolf Event! By: City of Dallas Representative, Kelly Brcka
Join us for an evening of food, drinks, and Topgolf!
TOPGOLF, The Colony
3760 Blair Oaks Drive
The Colony, Tx 75056
June 24, 2021
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
$25/active WWLF members
$35/non-WWLF members
*price includes: golf, food and 2 drink tickets*
Space is limited, please reach out to Kelly Brcka ( and Arleth Carbajal ( with any questions you may have.
2021 South Wireless Summit Nashville, TN June 27th to 30th WWLF is proud to be a BRONZE Sponsor of the 2021 South Wireless Summit!
The 9th Annual South Wireless Summit will host the wireless infrastructure industry’s largest gathering of thought leaders and technology experts focused on expanding next-generation communications throughout the southern region of the United States, providing a platform for industry members to discuss key issues and focus a joint mission in support of the development of wireless networks on a state and regional level.
Join over 500 infrastructure providers, wireless carriers, and service firms June 27th to 30th, 2021 in Nashville, TN at the Music City Sheraton.
South Wireless Summit attendees will have the opportunity to choose from several timely and topical keynote presentations, panel discussions, and training sessions covering a broad range of topics related to the wireless infrastructure industry.
The exhibit hall will feature several companies on hand to share their innovative services and business solutions. Other event highlights include the Annual Drake Lighting Clay Shoot and the 1st Annual GPD Group Top Golf Tournament.
Thank you to our exclusive newsletter sponsor
Connect with WWLF
WWLF is a proud affiliate of WIA
Women's Wireless Leadership Forum C/O WIA
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22201
© 2021 Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum All Rights Reserved
WWLF is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diverse voices are welcome in all aspects of our organization. WWLF values the knowledge and perspectives that our members bring to our organization from their diverse backgrounds. While all members are welcome to participate in both regional and national events, WWLF remains committed to the design and delivery of content to support the development of women in the wireless communications industry.