Dear member,
Spring has sprung! It’s the end of the dreaded winter
(at least in the Eastern part of the country), the cold temperatures are
gradually warming up and the days are getting longer giving us more daylight
than darkness, the trees are budding, flowers are blossoming and animals are
waking up from their long hibernation. It’s a reawakening in nature and
the time when many of us do a Spring cleaning of our homes.
To me, the last year in quarantine felt like a long
hibernation: isolated from family, friends and co-workers except for the
occasional video chat or Zoom meeting. I don’t know about you, but I feel
that after all of the sadness, turmoil and change in our country, it’s time for
a Spring cleaning or reawakening of my mind, body and soul. WWLF has
helped me in so many ways over the years and I know in the months ahead, it
will help with my reawakening.
Our Events Team has great ideas for virtual meeting and when possible,
in-person meetings, including Impact Events and events at Connect X and MWC. We
are also always looking for new event ideas to better provide value to our
members. Please send your ideas to events@wwlf.org.
WWLF Spotlight: Megan Reed Megan Reed is
the WWLF City Rep based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has held this
position since October 2018.
Where did you
get your start in the industry? What is your current role?
It was a happy coincidence.
My background is in marketing and advertising. I worked with incredible clients
and household brands, including Starbucks and McCormick. I knew nothing about
telecom, other than the Verizon “Can you hear me now?” commercials and always
expecting four bars of service on my cell phone.
In 2015, my
husband accepted a new job and we relocated from Connecticut to Charlotte,
North Carolina. Simultaneously, my Dad, a tower broker/owner, was seeking
marketing support for a niche, wireless industry media outlet he was
co-publishing - Inside Towers. The timing was optimal and the job
responsibilities, a match. I joined the team. Five years later, we’ve been
fortunate to witness the exponential growth of both the wireless industry, and
our publication.
I stepped out of
my comfort zone (quickly learning fiber isn’t just a nutrient) and continue to
discover something new every day. I’m currently the the VP of Marketing for
Inside Towers (and also that weirdo on the side of the road, taking pictures of
cell towers.)
What is your
favorite Quote?
“Everyone you
meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” I’m not
entirely sure of the quote’s origins, and while it seems like a simple concept,
it’s one that is easily forgotten in the midst of a busy day. Smile at a
stranger, let that car merge into traffic (without honking!), complete a random
act of kindness and hope they’ll all pay it forward.
Why did you join
I joined WWLF to
find women I could learn from and be inspired by. Women that would elevate my
outlook on the industry, and in general. To be mentored and to mentor. And
that’s exactly what I found.
What has been
the best experience you’ve had with WWLF?
All of my WWLF
interactions and engagements have been overwhelmingly positive, but my favorite
experience was an event we hosted in January of last year. We partnered with Dress for Success Charlotte, whose mission is “Empowering women to
achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional
attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.”
Inside Towers and PM&A co-hosted the event and we received countless
clothing donations. It was wonderful to see the women in our industry connected
and inspired by a good cause.
After the event,
I had the opportunity to tour the Dress for Success facility. Women who are
referred to the organization are styled and suited by consultants for
interviews and employment. There’s also a fully equipped business office
where clients can leverage free internet, access job placement software and
If not for WWLF,
I likely would not have thought to facilitate this type of event. I look
forward to similar gatherings in the future.
How do you see
the future of the industry?
That’s a loaded
question. Even five years ago, I couldn’t have predicted where we’d be today.
The wireless landscape is always evolving, but that’s what’s so intriguing
about it. There are a lot of exciting things on the horizon – C-band buildout,
Dish’s network deployment, towerco business model diversification, imperative
workforce development initiatives – to name a few.
One thing is
certain, our industry is essential. We all knew that, but COVID emphasized that
to the general population, in a big way. Actively addressing the digital divide
and providing reliable, accessible and affordable broadband have never been
more critical for remote work, distance learning and telehealth purposes. Ultimately,
demand for data and connectivity is infinite and as a result, so is the need
for wireless infrastructure (and wired, because as they say, “It takes a lot of wires to make wireless work.”)
I may not have a
proverbial crystal ball, but I do have WiFi and what I’m reading, hearing and seeing
is positive for our industry. I’m excited for the endless opportunities and for
what women will accomplish along the way through individual leadership, and
collaboration. We’re more powerful together, and WWLF is a good case-in-point.
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Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
Book Summary by Julie DeCuypere
When you’re trying to be productive, are you easily distracted? Do you mindlessly open your favorite website or app instead of focusing on the task at hand? Do you wish you could focus better, spending hours more per day driving toward your most important goals?
In order to thrive in today’s busy, digital world, we need to be able to learn quickly and produce output at an elite level. We accomplish this by working deeply. Author and Computer Science Professor, Cal Newport, coined the term Deep Work to mean “professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive abilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve your skill, and are hard to replicate.”
Very few people, in their personal or professional lives, are able to focus on one task in a deep manner. Modern corporate culture expects us to be constantly available and to answer every email that pops up in our inbox right away. This busyness is an example of Shallow Work, defined as “Non-cognitively demanding, logistical-style tasks, often performed while distracted. These efforts tend to not create much new value.”
But how can we make time for Deep Work? Very few of us can take the Monastic approach, taking a large chunk of uninterrupted time off. A more manageable style would be the Rhythmic approach, carving out a certain amount of time each day consistently in which to have focused time. Other ways to facilitate Deep Work include consciously designing your physical work space. Also, adding rituals and routines as cues that will help you start and stop your work time. Maybe for you it might be having a cup of coffee or tea in the morning before you begin your work day or a computer shut-down ritual at the end of the day. Newport says to treat your Deep Work like a business: Strategize ways to structure your time according to what is most important, set goals, and create accountability.
We only have a limited amount of willpower/focus and many distractions are pulling for our attention. The author is a fierce advocate for quitting social media. He states that the Internet is a just a tool and we can set parameters for our use of our time online. Newport challenges the reader to identify the high level goals in both our personal and professional life and to assess whether or not spending time on social media is an effective use of our limited time.
Final words encourage us to consider scheduling every minute of our day to take us off of autopilot. Also making ourselves hard to get in touch with by judiciously filtering and controlling our email rules and habits. In summary, we only have a finite amount of attention and we need to carve out time to focus on those tasks that are meaningful and meet our goals while limiting those tasks and behaviors that do not.
Deep Work is part Behavioral Psychology, part Time Management, and part Exhortation. It is dense, thought-provoking, and actionable. As professionals who work in an industry that is defined by Connectivity, maybe it is time to unplug a little to reach new depths and find more clarity.
“To leave the distracted masses to join the focused few….is a transformative experience.” – Cal Newport, Deep Work, pg 263
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Your Voice Matters! WWLF Member Survey
We are conducting research on the different types of services WWLF has to offer and would love to hear from you about what types of events and resources you attend/use most often.
This will help us make improvements to existing services offered and prioritize new content for development. The survey should only take 5 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.
You can only take the survey once until the survey is closed on April 9, 2021. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
We appreciate your input!
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Webinar Series
Part 1 - Presenting Your Best Self in a Virtual Environment with Barb Teicher
Have you been trying to figure out how to present your best self in a virtual environment? This past year vastly changed the way we do business, shifting from the in-person standard, to normalizing work from home and virtual business operations. If you’ve been navigating this new virtual world alone, this is a webinar you don’t want to miss!
Join WWLF for the first of our four-part webinar series, presented by Barb Teicher, CSP, Speaker, Educator, Author and Business Coach. Barb works to educate and promote women in management through leadership development. This webinar will address many of the topics and questions that came to light in the large shift to remote business, such as how to prepare for the unexpected in virtual meetings, which little things matter in a professional virtual setting, and understanding expectations in this environment. We look forward to seeing you all there!
April 8, 2021
12:00PM – 1:00PM CST
WWLF Members Only Register Here
WWLF Wine Down Wednesday
Connect, meet new people, and see old friends!
Please join the WWLF as we host all South Floridian's Wine Down Wednesday. This event is open to Members and Non-Members.
April 21, 2021
5:00PM to 6:00PM EST
Zoom link to be sent before the event
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Monthly Networking Event:
Motivation and Mugs
(1st Monday of every month)
Our next event is Monday, May 3, 2021 from 10-10:45 am EST
Let’s come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever you like to start your day.
During Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times (job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc.).
Registration closes the Friday before the event. You'll receive a zoom link before the event. Register Here
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WWLF is proud to be a BRONZE Sponsor of the 2021 South Wireless Summit
The 9th Annual South Wireless Summit will host the wireless infrastructure industry’s largest gathering of thought leaders and technology experts focused on expanding next-generation communications throughout the south region of the United States, providing a platform for industry members to discuss key issues and focus a joint mission in support of the development of wireless networks on a state and regional level.
Join over 500 infrastructure providers, wireless carriers and service firms June 27th to 30th, 2021 in Nashville, TN at the Music City Sheraton.
South Wireless Summit attendees will have the opportunity to choose from several timely and topical keynote presentations, panel discussions and training sessions covering a broad range of topics related to the wireless infrastructure industry.
The exhibit hall will feature several companies on hand to share their innovative services and business solutions. Other event highlights include the Annual Drake Lighting Clay Shoot and the 1st Annual GPD Group Top Golf Tournament. Register Here
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Thank you to our exclusive newsletter sponsor
Connect with WWLF
WWLF is a proud affiliate of WIA
Women's Wireless Leadership Forum C/O WIA
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22201
© 2021 Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum All Rights Reserved
WWLF is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diverse voices are welcome in all aspects of our organization. WWLF values the knowledge and perspectives that our members bring to our organization from their diverse backgrounds. While all members are welcome to participate in both regional and national events, WWLF remains committed to the design and delivery of content to support the development of women in the wireless communications industry.