Thank you to our Newsletter sponsor:
Dear WWLF Members,
As we continue into the New Year, the officers, directors, and members of Women's Wireless Leadership Forum (WWLF) are very thankful for the continued support of annual sponsors, event sponsors, and industry colleagues. With financial assistance from these loyal supporters, we were able to offer leadership development to members, numerous successful regional events, large National events, and provide a Fellowship Program award to a member who is beginning her career in telecommunications. WWLF could not have continued its 2021 programs, publicity, and events without the support of generous companies within our industry.
We know that you have many sponsorship choices in the industry, and we hope that you will consider continued support with WWLF. We are committed to ensuring that every company finds value in sponsorship through national advertising, complimentary passes to specified events, and regional publicity at networking and educational functions. The form may be requested, completed and returned to WWLF's Executive Director of Ways & Means, Shamrose Ali at or If there are questions regarding sponsorship, feel free to call me 773-943-1968.
The Psychology of Video Conferencing Written by Kristen Beckman
There’s no doubt that video conferencing platforms like Zoom have made a huge difference in maintaining productivity and allowing business to continue since the COVID-19 pandemic all but shut the world down two years ago. Now, with the pandemic stretching far beyond the temporary disruption we initially expected, many workplaces have adapted to a new permanent normal. Hybrid and fully remote work situations have become increasingly common, and as a result, video conferencing is likely to remain a staple of business communications even after the pandemic wanes.
According to Pew Research, more than 80 percent of Americans communicated via video calls during the beginning of the pandemic, driven significantly by the demands of business being done remotely. About 20 percent of Americans reported using video platforms often and 12 percent said the were on video calls several times a day. Initially, there was hope that virtual platforms would be an equalizer in the workplace, but while video conferencing has been an important productivity tool, it also has highlighted some interesting and perhaps unanticipated gender gaps and psychological consequences.
Virtual meeting environments can diminish nonverbal cues that enhance the pace and collaboration of in-person meetings, and that can exacerbate inequalities women tend to experience. Studies have found that in general, women are more frequently interrupted in meetings and are viewed as too emotional or less competent than their male counterparts when they speak passionately about a topic or talk more often on a call. In a recent survey by Catalyst of 1,100 U.S. working adults, 45 percent of women business leaders say it’s difficult for women to speak up in virtual meetings and one in five women say they’ve felt ignored or overlooked by colleagues during video calls. Click to read the full article. (Back to top)
WWLF Spotlight: Kelly Brcka Director, Real Estate Partnerships, Airwavz Solutions, Inc. and WWLF City Rep for Dallas City
How long have you been a City Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region? I became Dallas City Rep in April 2021 Why did you join WWLF? I originally joined WWLF several years ago when I was with a wireless staffing/services company because I saw WWLF at several industry events and respected the board members and leaders. Then, I recently rejoined WWLF as I re-entered the wireless industry to network, meet and get reacquainted with the amazing women leaders in our industry. How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally? Professionally it has been a solid network of smart, compassionate and driven women always willing to open the doors of opportunity and connect the dots for people in our industry. Personally, it has been a great experience truly getting to know some of these women, what is going on in their lives and to share stories. I have also thoroughly enjoyed the mentoring aspect and recommend that to anyone willing and able to devote the time and experience to the next generation. Where did you get your start in the industry? Wow, that was so long ago but I originally went to Lucent Technologies/Nokia straight from grad school then on to Nortel. After that, I had a long stint in the energy business and re-joined our wireless world in 2013 with Smartlink, then GTL and All States Engineering. What is your current role? Currently I am very happy at Airwavz as Director, Real Estate Partnerships providing solutions for in-building. What is your favorite Quote? I have two: Be Fearless is the Pursuit of What Sets Your Soul on Fire by Jennifer Lee and the second is: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible". by Audry Hepburn. I just love her!
Read the full interview on the WWLF website.
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Book Review - Choose Possibility written by Lynn Whitcher
Reviewed by Lynn Whitcher, Co-Director of Education for WWLF
On January 19, 2022, Julie DeCuypere and I had the pleasure of leading a book club discussion on Sukhinder Sing Cassidy’s book, Choose Possibility: Take Risks and Thrive (Even When You Fail).
Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is a technology investor, executive and entrepreneur. She has worked with various tech and media companies, including Google, Amazon and News Corp, most recently serving as President of StubHub, guiding it through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic as sporting events, concerts and other live entertainment were shut down, seemingly overnight, across the country. She is the founder of theBoardlist, a non-profit dedicated to improving corporate governance by increasing gender diversity on boards and Joyus, a video shopping platform for women.
Singh Cassidy attributes her impressive career to her ability to take risks. She also acknowledges that taking risks is hard. To put risk into the proper perspective, we must see the possibility that lies beyond any success or failure along our risk-taking journey. Taking risks is necessary, not just to survive, but to thrive.
For many of us, we assume – wrongly – that risk taking consists of a single leap that drives us either to success and glory, or to ruin. This puts massive pressure on us to get it right! The author calls this the “Myth of the Single Choice.” In reality, risk taking is less binary. The Jeff Bezoses of the world iterate their way to cumulative success through failures and achievement, stringing together a long series of choices, big and small, well advised or not. Although risk taking can result in bruised egos or loss of reputation, the upside is it can also lead to learning and insight, discovery of new opportunities, or even downright success!
Read the rest of the article by Lynn Whitcher on the WWLF website.
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Monthly Networking Events! WWLF Members Only
Please join WWLF for our Monthly Networking Event: Motivation and Mugs
The 1st Monday of every month.
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
February 7, 2022
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EST)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
Reminder for those who registered: Let’s connect and spread some love with a white elephant party!
The gift maximum will be $25.
We recommend using Amazon as a preferred reliable source for gifts.
Each person who signs up will be assigned a participant so please make sure you fully commit, everyone who registers should receive a gift.
Please sign up by emailing Arleth Carbajal at Please be sure to list 3-5 interests so your surprise gift giver can ensure they get you something to your liking and your mailing address. Arleth will be in contact the week of 1/31 with the information of who to and where to mail your gift.
We look forward to spreading more love this Valentine’s Day!
February 10, 2022 5:00PM (CST) Zoom link to be provided prior to the event Registration is closed
Monthly Networking Events! WWLF Members Only
Please join WWLF for our Monthly Networking Event: Motivation and Mugs
The 1st Monday of every month.
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
March 07, 2022
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EST)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
Thank you to our exclusive newsletter sponsor
Connect with WWLF
WWLF is a proud affiliate of WIA
Women's Wireless Leadership Forum C/O WIA
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22201
© 2021 Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum All Rights Reserved
WWLF is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diverse voices are welcome in all aspects of our organization. WWLF values the knowledge and perspectives that our members bring to our organization from their diverse backgrounds. While all members are welcome to participate in both regional and national events, WWLF remains committed to the design and delivery of content to support the development of women in the wireless communications industry.