Thank you to our Newsletter sponsor:
We can’t believe it has been a week since seeing you all at Connect X! We wanted to take a quick moment and thank you all for your support. To our new members, Welcome! Be on the lookout for our July newsletter where we will summarize WWLF at Connect X.
WWLF Spotlight: Virginia Mical Account Manager, Launch3 Telecom WWLF City Rep for Baltimore/Washington area
How long have you been a City Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region? Brand new! Working on planning my first event now, I am the Baltimore/Washington rep. Why did you join WWLF? In a male dominated industry, I think it is important for women to come together in solidarity. Being new to telecom, I saw it as a great opportunity to meet other professional women. In addition, I enjoy knowing that I am a part of something bigger than myself. How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally? I have met so many amazing women while participating in WWLF events. Knowing that I have access to such an extensive network has given me the confidence to navigate my professional landscape. Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role? I had always known about the telecom and wireless industry as my mom worked in networking and telecom for 20 years! But it was actually a friend of mine who referred me for my first job in Wireless. That job was in staffing. Now, I work as an Account Manager for a great company called Launch 3, a global manufacturer and distributor of wireless equipment. Read the full interview on the WWLF website (Back to top)
Women in Wireless Construction Written by Heather Gastelum Senior Manager for National Site Safety, T-Mobile
Heather Gastelum is one of the few women who focuses on construction safety in the wireless industry. She is a member of T-Mobile’s Women & Allies Employee Resources Group, serves on the Women of NATE (WON) committee, and is a member of WWLF. I got my start in Wireless Construction in 1994 when I first moved to Washington state. I had struggled to find work even though I had experience. I took the first temp job offered, knowing I needed to work and keep my skills up. The position was with Cellular Communication Services (CCS) and after two months they offered me a full-time job as a Construction Coordinator. I have a “non-traditional” upbringing, spending a few summers working for my father who held a general contractor's license and was an owner/operator of a custom steel fabrication manufacturing facility. I spent hours of my childhood looking at designs and blueprints on our dining room table and asking countless questions. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was interested when I was first asked to take on a Construction Manager role. In the time spent working for my dad, I developed the ability to just see how something should fit together. I spoke up in project planning and pre-construction meetings and called out things that the “boys” hadn’t even taken into consideration. Well, my call outs “did you consider this”, or “try that” caught the attention of the lead guy, Rick Turnure, who told me “you know more about construction than two of the guys I hired and we could use you more out in the field.” It was fantastic to be pushed and sponsored by a man who recognized that I knew more than a typical coordinator. He pushed the company leadership to give me a shot. We walked our first job together back in 1996 and two weeks later I was handed my first 25 raw-land new site builds for Sprint PCS. The rest, as they say, is history.
Read the full article on the WWLF website
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Burnout Written by Akhila Sivakumar
The Sprint and T-Mobile merger ushered in a new phase of the telecommunications industry. This merger has impacted all of us by the creation of a new carrier and a surge of work. We all have felt the increase in activity but adding a global pandemic to the mix has made this time truly unprecedented. It is important now, more than ever, that we focus on burnout. What it is, the signs and symptoms, and what we can do to manage it. We have all heard of burnout but many of us think it’s a fleeting phase of job-related stress. Burnout is much more serious than that. It is a syndrome of chronic stress with no end date that is often accompanied by extreme exhaustion and depression. Burnout is defined as a type of job-related stress that affects one’s emotional, physical, and mental health but burnout can be caused by more than occupational stress. Personal commitments, relationships, and other catalysts of stress can cause burnout. More specific causes of burnout include a lack of control, unclear job expectations, lack of social support, work-life imbalance, and a chaotic or unpredictable environment. Burnout is not yet a medical diagnosis but if you are not careful it can lead to many medical conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, and a weakened immune system. Although chronic stress causes burnout, the signs and symptoms between stress and burnout are very different. The symptoms of stress include over-engagement, reactive emotions, hyperactivity, and anxiety. Burnout symptoms are more aligned with depression than anxiety. With burnout, you may experience, disengagement, distant/diluted emotions, loss of motivation, lower activity, and a feeling of helplessness. The Mayo Clinic has a list of questions you can ask yourself to determine whether you are experiencing burnout at work. These questions include “Have you become cynical or critical at work?”, “Do you lack satisfaction from your achievements?” and “Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?”. If you answer yes to any of these questions, it’s time to monitor your symptoms and prepare to manage burnout. Read the full article on the WWLF website.
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Monthly Networking Events! WWLF Members Only
Please join WWLF for our Monthly Networking Event: Motivation and Mugs
The 1st Monday of every month.
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
June 6 , 2022
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EDT)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
Lunch & Learn: Know Your Worth: Empowering the Women of Wireless Richmond Launch Event!
Hosted by WWLF City of Richmond Representative Ericka Lewis and WWLF Northeast Regional Director Ashley DeCabia
Lunch & Learn: Know Your Worth: Empowering the Women of Wireless
Presentation by Kelsey Trundle, VP Business Development at GTEC Talent and WWLF Co-Director of Programs & Mentoring
Registration is free to WWLF active and prospective members.
For more information please visit:
June 23, 2022
11:30AM - 1:30PM (EDT)
Monthly Networking Events! WWLF Members Only
Please join WWLF for our Monthly Networking Event: Motivation and Mugs
The 1st Monday of every month.
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
July 11, 2022
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EDT)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
Thank you to our exclusive newsletter sponsor
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WWLF is a proud affiliate of WIA
Women's Wireless Leadership Forum C/O WIA
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22201
© 2022 Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum All Rights Reserved
WWLF is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diverse voices are welcome in all aspects of our organization. WWLF values the knowledge and perspectives that our members bring to our organization from their diverse backgrounds. While all members are welcome to participate in both regional and national events, WWLF remains committed to the design and delivery of content to support the development of women in the wireless communications industry.