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Do you remember your first year in the industry? So many acronyms and everyone seemed to speak “telecom.” It was like everyone was giving a manual on how to work in this industry and just a year prior you did not even know this industry existed. This was my reality first year in telecommunications.
Thank goodness for the programs that WWLF offers. My first year, I applied for the Fellowship program. Although I was not selected, I was able to connect with women in the industry and become an active participant in WWLF. Fast forward almost a decade later, it is remarkable to see how WWLF continues to help the next generation of women in our industry.
If you are new or have less than 10 years in the industry, I encourage you to enroll in the WWLF Mentoring Program. For one year, you will be paired with some of our industry’s most dynamic female leaders to elevate within our industry, grow, network, and learn.
Industry leaders, if you can give your time and would like to join as a Mentor, enroll below!
We will be kicking off the 2022 Mentoring Program Friday May 13th, 2022 @11am EST on Zoom ENROLL TODAY
Announcement of 2022 Fellowship Awardee Taylor Sierra
We are pleased to announce our 2022 WWLF Fellowship Awardee, Taylor Sierra!
Taylor Sierra, formally Weltmeyer, graduated from Indiana University, Northwest campus with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. At the university she was part of the National Society of Leadership and held the Treasurer position for 2 years.
Right out of college she moved to Florida and worked as a nanny for a high-profile family, enjoying the fast pace and change that constantly occurred. From there she opened her own business and started teaching but knew she wanted more. She started working for the high-profile family once again and was asked to move to Illinois to start working on a startup company within the Telecommunication industry. She loved it! She started off on the ground floor and wearing many different hats. Once she found out the company would be sold, she started looking for another opportunity and that’s where she found ExteNet Systems LLC. Starting off as a Project Coordinator and jumping around in many different roles she has now found herself as a Project Manager covering Outdoor projects in the Central and East parts of the country.
Her goal as the 2022 WWLF Fellowship recipient is to launch herself to that next level of success! She loves learning and growing within the industry and wants to continue to network and challenge herself throughout this next year.
In January 2022, she married her husband. They love to travel and together they have two dogs: Ari and Chance. They also own their own business together that is centered around her husband’s love for cars.
Taylor has chosen Debra Mercier as her mentor during her fellowship. Make sure you stop by our booth at Connect X and congratulate Taylor on this amazing opportunity!
The Importance of a Mentoring Program Written by Akhila Sivakumar
With warm weather and the start of summer comes the Annual Women in Wireless Leadership Forum Mentoring Program (WWLF). The WWLF Mentoring Program connects seasoned women in the wireless industry with new wireless professionals to accelerate career development, build networks and offer guidance and support. Mentoring programs have been proven to benefit many industries and the value of the WWLF Mentoring Program is seen among mentors and mentees alike.
The WWLF Mentoring Program runs for a full year with many mentors and mentees participating multiple years in a row. Program participants are required to check in once a month with their counterparts along with attending an all-program meeting each quarter. Throughout the year, mentors and mentees are provided with discussion topics and goals. At the end of the program, participants are asked to rate their overall experience and share what they have learned. This past year, the program averaged a rating of 4.8 out of 5. One mentor commented, “It was a very rewarding experience being a mentor. I enjoyed getting to know my mentee and our conversations were helpful for both of us.” Many of the mentees expressed that the program benefitted their career growth with one mentee stating, “I didn’t even realize the goals I wanted to work on until I started meeting with my mentor.”
Recruitment sites and scholarly articles also praise mentoring programs for what they can provide to both mentors and mentees. According to LinkedIn, mentoring programs allow mentors to learn effective leadership styles, gain feedback, and get exposed to new perspectives. This allows mentors to grow as leaders in their companies and WWLF. Indeed shows that the mentor-mentee relationship can aid in goal setting, networking, and gaining knowledge.
Read the full article on the WWLF website
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WWLF Spotlight: Lucia Chiocchio Esq., Partner, Cuddy & Feder LLP Zoning/Telecommunications Attorney WWLF City Rep for NYC Metro Area
How long have you been a City Rep for WWLF and what is your territory/region? I have been WWLF’s NYC Rep for eight (8) years (!). Time flies when you are having fun. My territory/region includes the NYC metro area. Why did you join WWLF? I joined WWLF to connect with other female professionals in the wireless industry. One of the many great benefits of WWLF membership is that the members include professionals from all aspects of the industry. How has being a part of WWLF impacted you personally or professionally? Being part of WWLF has enriched my professional life. The connections I have made increased my knowledge and enhanced my practice. It’s great to know that anytime I need support, information, or answers to questions, I can count on my WWLF connections. And, I have truly enjoyed getting to know some WWLF members on a personal level. Where did you get your start in the industry? What is your current role? I started in the telecommunications industry as an engineer for a landline telephone company back in the 90’s. While working as a telecom engineer, I attended law school in the evenings. After graduating law school, I joined the law firm of Cuddy & Feder LLP, which has one of the largest, most experienced telecommunications infrastructure practices in the country. I am now a partner at Cuddy & Feder and vice-chair of our Telecommunications Practice. Read the full interview on the WWLF website.
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My Life in Full - By Indra Nooyi Book Review Written by Carolyn Hardwick, Senior Vice President, Engineering, Stratis
On April 20, 2022, WWLF members met virtually for our quarterly book read. The book was Indra Nooyi’s “My Life In Full: Work, Family, and Our Future”. The group had a lively discussion asking and answering such questions as “The author had the support of an extended family throughout her life. In her early years, her family prioritized the education of Indra and her sister. When you were growing up, did your family support your educational and career goals? How did their support/lack of support affect your career trajectory?” and “Nooyi reportedly earned around $31 million USD in her last year as CEO. In her last full year as CEO, 2017, there were only 13 women amongst the top 200 highest paid CEOs of American companies. Most C-Suite compensation is paid out in stock-options, but, still, she was one of the highest paid female CEOS ever. Interestingly enough, she never asked for a raise or bonus. Female executives still earn less than their male counterparts, what can be done to narrow this pay gap? Is part of the problem that women don’t negotiate or is it that women are seen as viewed unfavorably when they do ask for a raise?”
Indra Nooyi, one of the world’s most admired executives as former CEO of PepsiCo, recounts her journey from her childhood in India to becoming the first woman of color to lead a Fortune 50 company. Her biography, “My Life In Full: Work, Family, and Our Future” is insightful, honest, and inspiring. I appreciated Nooyi’s detail of her background, which included an emphasis on education and commitment to family during her childhood. It is clear that Nooyi received strength and confidence having the support of her parents and then later the invaluable, selfless support of her husband, Raj. Read the full article on the WWLF website (Back to top)
JOIN WWLF as we host our Annual Reception at Connect (X)!
El Tejano, 1949 Market St, Denver, CO 80202
Each year, WWLF hosts a Networking Event at Connect (X) Connectivity Expo. Attend this WWLF networking event free if you are a WWLF member.
For Non-Members Registration is $75
*Membership must be in good standing as of the date of the event.
For more information please visit:
May 25, 2022
7:00PM - 10:00PM (MT)
Registration closes on May 18th
Monthly Networking Events! WWLF Members Only
Please join WWLF for our Monthly Networking Event: Motivation and Mugs
The 1st Monday of every month.
Although times are getting somewhat back to normal, we are still not quite there yet.
So, let's come together and connect while enjoying our morning ritual of coffee, tea, lemon water or whatever your choice of drink!
During this Monday Motivation and Mugs, each attendee will have one minute to introduce themselves and talk about what they are looking for/needing during these times: job opportunities, connections, friendly support, etc..
June 6 , 2022
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EST)
Zoom link to be sent before the event
Registration closes the Friday before the event.
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Connect with WWLF
WWLF is a proud affiliate of WIA
Women's Wireless Leadership Forum C/O WIA
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22201
© 2022 Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum All Rights Reserved
WWLF is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diverse voices are welcome in all aspects of our organization. WWLF values the knowledge and perspectives that our members bring to our organization from their diverse backgrounds. While all members are welcome to participate in both regional and national events, WWLF remains committed to the design and delivery of content to support the development of women in the wireless communications industry.